
Rhinoplasty Instrument Sets

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Plastic Surgery Set

What is meant by Rhinoplasty Instruments?

Rhinoplasty Instruments sets are used to reshape the bone and cartilage of the nose. This surgery improves the facial appearance. Dyna International is the leading manufacturer of high-quality rhinoplasty instruments, a name synonymous with superior design, unsurpassed workmanship and, a distinguished service record.

What Makes Our Rhinoplasty Instruments Unique?

When it comes to rhinoplasty – a surgical procedure that reshapes the nose – the tools of the trade have a massive influence on the outcomes. Wouldn’t you agree? Our rhinoplasty instruments
stand out for three primary reasons:
 Specialization
 Superior quality
 Customer trust

1. Specialization

Our instruments are not all-rounders; they are specialists. Each device we offer is tailored to tackle a specific task during a rhinoplasty procedure. Whether a surgeon needs a Hugel septum forceps, a Freer osteotome, or a Noyes scissors, we provide an instrument that has been meticulously designed and engineered for that job.

Have you ever encountered a situation that demanded a specific solution?

The same logic applies to niche medical procedures like rhinoplasty. Using specialized tools simply works better, making the task at hand easier and the results more successful.

2. Superior Quality

But, superior functionality means little if it’s not joined by enduring quality, right? That’s why we work diligently to maintain the highest standard of craftsmanship in our products. Each instrument is crafted from medical-grade stainless steel, ensuring lasting durability and sterilization ease.

Ever heard the phrase, “Buy cheap, buy twice?”

We believe in investing in quality. Our customers, too, share this sentiment, understanding that top-quality instruments are an investment in their professional success.

3. Customer Trust

Building customer trust goes beyond delivering a quality product. It involves responsive customer service, transparent pricing, and consistent follow-through on our promises.

You’ve heard it said, “A promise is a debt?”, haven’t you?

We don’t take this lightly. We consider each commitment to our customers as paramount, which drives us to fulfill our promises every time, without fail.

Rhinoplasty Instruments at Dyna International

At Dyna International, we specialize in the manufacturing of rhinoplasty instruments of different types. Our inventory houses a huge spectrum of instruments necessary for nasal reshaping, crafted to ensure precision, durability, and user ease. But how are these manufactured?

Manufacturing Process

Process of Rhinoplasty Instruments at Dyna International

Rhinoplasty instrument sets distinguish themselves by their awesome design and production process, which embodies both Dyna International’s technical prowess and commitment to quality assurance.

Procedure of Rhinoplasty: The Detailed Steps

1. Forging: This step refers to planning the overall strategy and procedure, a metaphorical “forging” of the path to your new nose. The surgeon uses digital imaging to give an indication of the end result.
2. Milling: Actual surgery begins, during which the surgeon will shape your nose. This can involve reducing or increasing the overall size or refining certain areas for a more desired shape.
3. Tempering: Following the milling comes the tempering. Reshape the remaining structure for stability, often using cartilage taken from other parts of the body if required.
4. Polishing: After the tempering, the surgeon will close the surgical incisions, “polishing off” the main body of the procedure.
5. Passivation: This is all about after-care. It’s essential to follow all the surgeon’s aftercare instructions remembering, healing is a gradual process.
6. Etching: The final result of a rhinoplasty procedure is not immediately visible. It’s an “etching” process as the nose’s final look becomes apparent over several months.

Types of Rhinoplasty:

1.      Closed Rhinoplasty:

Closed rhinoplasty, also known as endonasal rhinoplasty, is a technique where all incisions are made inside the nostrils. This means there are no external incisions or visible scars. The surgeon gains access to the nasal structures through the nostril openings, allowing them to reshape the nose without lifting the skin.


2.      Cosmetic Rhinoplasty:

Cosmetic rhinoplasty, also known as aesthetic rhinoplasty, is performed to enhance the appearance of the nose. It aims to improve facial balance and harmony by reshaping the nasal structures. This procedure can address various cosmetic concerns such as a hump on the bridge of the nose, a drooping nasal tip, wide nostrils, or asymmetry.

3.      Functional Rhinoplasty:

Functional Rhinoplasty focuses on improving the functionality of the nose, particularly in cases where patients experience breathing difficulties due to structural issues. This type of rhinoplasty aims to correct problems like a deviated septum, nasal valve collapse, or enlarged turbinates, which can hinder proper airflow and cause breathing problems.

4.      Ethnic Rhinoplasty:

Ethnic Rhinoplasty is performed on individuals with diverse ethnic backgrounds who wish to maintain their unique cultural characteristics while enhancing the appearance of their nose. The goal of ethnic rhinoplasty is to create a nose that harmonizes with the individual’s facial features while respecting their cultural identity.

5.      Revision Rhinoplasty:

Revision Rhinoplasty, also known as secondary rhinoplasty, is performed to correct unsatisfactory results from a previous rhinoplasty procedure. This can be due to aesthetic concerns, functional issues, or both. Revision rhinoplasty is typically more complex than primary rhinoplasty due to the alterations made during previous surgeries.

6.      Post-Taumatic Rhinoplasty:

Post-Traumatic Rhinoplasty is performed to repair and reconstruct the nose following trauma or injury, such as a sports-related injury, car accident, or physical altercation. This procedure aims to restore the nose’s appearance and function after significant damage.


Instrument For Rhinoplasty with names and images:

Where variety meets quality, that’s Dyna International for you. Ranging from dissectors, forceps, needle holders to sharp and blunt scissors, our rhinoplasty instruments are custom-designed to meet the varying surgical needs. Worried about maintenance? With their high corrosion resistance, our instruments promise low maintenance, ensuring your experience is fuss-free.

Following are some instruments of Rhinoplasty:

1. Nasal Speculum:

A nasal speculum is a small, handheld instrument used to hold open the nostrils during the surgery. It helps the surgeon visualize the internal nasal structures and work on them effectively.

Plastic Surgery Speculum

2. Rhinoplasty Scissors:

Rhinoplasty Scissors come in various shapes and sizes, and they are used to trim excess tissue and cartilage during the procedure. These scissors are specially designed to allow precise cutting and shaping of nasal tissues.

Rhinoplasty Scissor

3. Osteotomes:

An Osteotome is a surgical instrument used to perform controlled bone cuts. In rhinoplasty, it is used to make precise cuts in the nasal bones to alter their shape and size.

set of 5 pcs osteotome

4. Rasp and Files:

Rasp and Files are used to smooth and shape bone and cartilage after the bone cuts have been made. They help the surgeon achieve the desired nasal contour and remove any irregularities.

Rasps and Files

5. Elevators:

Elevators are delicate instruments used to lift tissues gently during the surgery. They help the surgeon access the nasal structures without causing excessive trauma to the surrounding tissues. Elevators come in various sizes and shapes to suit different areas of the nose and specific surgical requirements.


Rhinoplasty instruments depends on patients need, surgeon need or
complexity of procedure.

Dyna International make it easy to meet your requirment related to rhinoplasty.
We present our set of 82 pcs rhinoplasty instruments that can fulfill all your
needs in a single click to buy our Rhinoplasty set.

rhinoplasty 82 pcs set

Set of 82 pcs Rhinoplasty Instruments


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